Home page#


🔎 What is it?#

Dispenser API is an API to provide Minecraft resources through a REST API. Is considered as “resources” all files that isn’t a compiled Java class, so assets (client-side) and data (server-side).

This API is updated automatically (every hours) and work for any Minecraft version (release, release-candidate, pre-release, snapshot) having the considered resource type.

A hosting version of the API is available here. Thanks to Gunivers for supporting and hosting this project!

🔨 Projects#

🔌 Dispenser API

The heart of these projects: the content delivery API!

👓 Lectern

A website to quickly visualise blocks, items and other Minecraft objects!

👀 Observer

Something that observe I guess, I’m in interniship to make th doc, not paid enough to know everything.

🫒 Slimeball

Something sticky, that help to link projects or something like this, idk…

And much more!

🏃 Motivation#

I’m motivated!

🤝 Follow and/or contribute#

You can come on our Discord server to talk with us and/or take part of these projects!

If you want to contribute, please read at least the “Getting started” section in the “Contributing” that contain all the development convention used in this project.